Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 6 - Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 6:
Marianna, Florida to Meridian, Mississippi
Be sure to check out my photo albums on Facebook.

Finally an early start. The archeologist packed the car before the sun was out in full force. But when she came in for the continental breakfast at the hotel, she was sweating like a pack mule -- she was red in the face and sweat was dripping off her upper lip. The other humans laughed at her, but I felt sorry for her. I'm not doctor, but I'm pretty sure she has a glandular problem.

Across the Panhandle
We continued west on I-10 across the Florida panhandle. We drove straight on into a big, beautiful deep blue sky with those classic white fluffy clouds with just a touch of grey for contrast on their underbellies. The humans took a lot of photos of the sky (probably because there was not much else to see).

At Exit 70 on I-10 is a little town called "Niceville." We found that it was a nice place to take a bio break.

An Unwanted Addition
We stopped for an ice cream snack in Milton, Florida after a great sing-a-long in the car. (The little human is quite talented at making up poem-like songs.) We stopped at a little ticky-tacky tourist clap-trap, and along with their chocolate shakes and sundaes, the humans bought me a "friend" -- a big, scary, plastic 'gator (as in aligator)!

Now we're both in the undignified predictament of riding in the rear window of the car -- exposed to every Winnebago, motorcycle and 4-wheel drive vehicle that passes us. I certainly hope these humans don't expect me to POSE with this grinning gator! This is MY 15 minutes after all, and I certainly don't intend to share it with an inferior plastic toy!

Later in the day, my fate turned to the worse as the little human named the aligator "Allie." So now the pest is an official member of our little traveling band. I still have hope, though, that they will abandon it (like me) at some state line!

We ended the night in Meridian, Mississippi after going through the Florida panhandle and whizzing through Alabama.

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