Saturday, May 31, 2008

Day 1 On the Road - Saturday, May 31, 2008

Day One:
Albany, New York t0 Waldorf, Maryland
Be sure to check out my photo albums on Facebook.

Well, I, Jackie Bear, was up and ready to go by 9:00 AM. But the humans were very slow to get around and get started, so we didn't leave until the late, late afternoon! (They would never make it as bears -- it's the early bear who gets the honey.)

We drove from Albany, NY down I-87 to New Jersey where we picked up I-95 South to Florida. Around Baltimore, the humans decided to take a "scenic" bypass around Washington, DC, but they ended up getting lost. Eventually, after driving around in circles in Baltimore, they took I-97 south to Rt. 3 to Rt. 301. We stopped in Waldorf, MD (be sure to have the salad there!) for the night so that we could see scenic 301 in the daylight.

Frankly, it wasn't much of an exciting day for a bear, but I have hope that things will perk up along the way.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Last Day on Campus Before the Big Trip

Homebase: Troy, NY

Well, like every cool/kewl college kid, I've created a Facebook page and a MySpace page to upload photos of my trip.

MySpace URL:

Here's my first photo album on my Facebook page.

It's of some of my favorite spots on campus. I wanted to visit them and take some photos before I started my 6-week road trip!

Now I've got to get to bed because we're leaving tomorrow at 10AM and I still have to pack...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Trip is About to Begin -- Operators Are Standing By!

Yes, it's true -- operators are standing by to report every mile and memory of The Great 2008 Russell Sage Roadtrip.

A special Russell Sage icon will travel the country this summer, visiting all the exciting tourist traps from New York to Florida to Arizona and back! (Think of it as our version of a certain traveling gnome -- the mascot for a popular travel Web site....)

Want to see Russell Sage icons in iconographic places? Then send us your suggestions of where to shoot our photos:
You name it and we'll try to get there!

We're going to have a great road trip and post lots of photos, so stay tuned, operators are standing by -- and this offer does NOT expire at midnight tonight!

Departure Date: Saturday, March 31st

Next Posting: Sunday, June 1st

For more info: or
Contact us at: