Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day 36 - Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day 36

Shreveport, Louisianna to Natchitoches, Louisianna

We got the little human to the Sci-port Children's Museum by 11AM and she stayed and played until it closed at 6PM. It was a long, fun, playful, educational day, and two adult humans took turns keeping up with the little human (and me).

Along the way, we saw IMAX movies about the Grand Canyon and "Mummies: Secrets of the Pharohs," as well as a short presentation on the Red River. We also took a rest on a bed of nails (!), learning that if your body weight is spread out evenly over the nails it doesn't really hurt.
We also put macroni elbows into different shaped spaces and figured out volume sizes; we watched plasma being created; we designed kites and tested them in vertical wind tunnels; and on and on.

The Sci-port is a great children's museum with two floors full of hands-on, interactive, visual, tactile experiments, toys, and play areas to amuse, entertain, and edify children, adolescents, and adults. The place was packed. And, again, we spent the entire day there.

Not that I'm a boastful bear, but I must say the little human had lots of fun trying different experiments with me and on me -- and occassionally threatened my life. But I just took it in stride -- after all, it was all in the name of science!

Afterwards, we hit I-49 South trying to make it to Alexandria, but we were too tired and only made it to Natchitoches. We got a hotel for the evening and some information about the many local historic sites. We're going to check out the historic downtown tomorrow morning on our way out of town.
P.S. In the synchronicty department: while I was updating my blog tonight in the hotel lobby, the movie "Steel Magnolias" was playing on the lobby TV. That movie was filmed in Natchitoches and there is a "Steel Magnolias" tour listed in the "local attractions" newspaper.

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