Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 39 - Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 39

Jacksonville, Florida

We slept late. We were so bone tired. We could have slept all day.

But we didn't have anything to wear, and we had to do 50 lbs of laundry consisting of a lot of sweaty vacation-ware. So in order to get dressed, we had to do some real bottom-of-the-suitcase scraping. As a result, the archaeologist looked so very fetching in her sultry combo of skin-hugging workout leggings, black socks, and gray long-sleeve shirt. It was about 96 degrees and the V-shaped river of sweat on her back was a real compliment to her ensemble.

Then we went to the craft store to get canvases and paint for an afternoon of creativity by the pool. The little human painted several canvases while the archaeologist worked on one southwest desert scene. When everyone got home, we had a gallery showing and art auction. The little human sold several of her canvases.

Also in the afternoon, the oldest human looked at a house that was going into foreclosure. She's thinking of moving to Florida to be closer to her grandchildren. We'll see what happens.

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